Terms of Service
janvier 15, 2020 2020-01-15 9:58Terms of Service

Our website
Our website address is: http://maxcoach.com
Definitions of basic terms, rights and restriction:
Basic terms
These Terms of Service for MaxCoach Online Course Educational Center constitute a binding contract between you (“Member” or “Customer” or “You”) and ThemeMove company, a corporation registered in California, USA (“Company”), regarding the terms under which the Company will provide You with access to online courses (or parts thereof) purchased by You.
Rights & restrictions
- Members must be at least 18 years of age.
- Members are granted a time-limited, non-exclusive, revocable, nontransferable, and non-sublicenseable right to access that portion of the online course corresponding to the purchase.
- The portion of the online course corresponding to the purchase will be available to the Member as long as the course is maintained by the Company, which will be a minimum of one year after Member’s purchase.
- The videos in the course are provided as a video stream and are not downloadable.
- By agreeing to grant such access, the Company does not obligate itself to maintain the course, or to maintain it in its present form.